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Fronius Magic Wave 2200 User Manual

indetinjo1972 2021. 6. 24. 07:58

I have bought a new machine after my old esseti 200 ac dc i had for 5 years .My new machine is Fronius magic wave 2200 . It is very complecated to use it took many hours of reading to get familiar with the menu and settings ( manual is 175 pages ). Everything is adjustable digital display.

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Fronius Inverters Manual

So i thought to welcome everybody to share his thoughts hoping that both will do better ...To get an idea of this machine have little look to quick reference quide i enclose as an attachment .Maybe it is a big picture but better . Imagine this to the eyes of a complete beginer !.
Fronius magicwave 2200

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Salutes to everybody
Mic fronius ( ex ... Esseti case ) .